Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Pay Per View


I know this isn't the right forum for I can't find one
If PPC works on some people, does PPV helps as well?

Answers - 1
i hate ppv, the fact that a popup can count as a view and someone can close it before its even up and I STILL get charged. Not good. Horrible way to advertise, CPM, CPA, CPC is where its at, and im not a big fan of CPM either

Answers - 2
That really depends on the delivery, the venue, the offering and how it matches up with the demographics its delivered to. I agree with Cshrmgo about popups, that,s bad delivery.

I've seen it work in some markets and venues though. A good example is a banner ads for a free iPod or Mobile phone placed on MySpace or site that attracts primarily younger audiences.

Of course in that situation you'd better not be trying to sell anything, but maybe getting a survey filled out or build an opt-in mail list.

Again its all down to delivery, venue, offering and demographics.

Answers - 3
very well put and this part,

" I've seen it work in some markets and venues though. A good example is a banner ads for a free iPod or Mobile phone placed on MySpace or site that attracts primarily younger audiences.

Of course in that situation you'd better not be trying to sell anything, but maybe getting a survey filled out or build an opt-in mail list.

Very valid point regarding the market, venue and product / service being offered. and COMPLETELY ON THE MONEY for the free ipod deal and cell phones, needless to say im an incentive marketer and my cover has been blown, but I again like you said it all boils down to your specific niche, things work differently for different business models. those half *** banners that you choose the celebrities legs and match them to a body or something( THESE WORK BEYOND BELIEF FOR ME) but if you were selling auto insurance it would probably not. Needless to say you will never know unless you try it BUT you can have a general idea of how something will perform by doing your due dilligence and market research. Its the people that dont put the time into RESEARCH that end up going broke on the internet and then sitting twiddling their thumbs afterward thinking What did I do wrong? But ya good post and everything you said hit home with me. thanks